Why you should love your mother more than your babe😏

 This particular topic was brought into consideration "Your mother or your babe, who do you love more?.

Some men said they love their mother more

Surprisingly, some said they love their babes more; to consider this, one can know that those men chose their babes over their own mothers due to some issues or reasons.

But here are reasons you should love your mother more...

  • The fact that she carried you for nine months is more than enough because it's takes love to grow someone in your womb.
  • She cared for you even when you had nothing(broke) as a child, she never abandoned you, she supported you all through. Ask yourself, can your babe do all these if you have nothing?.
  • She still loved you no matter your stubbornness, ugliness, dirtiness and childishness, ask yourself can your babe still love if you were in the above conditions?
  • Mothers can never be replaced, your mother is your mother.
  • Mothers love is endless. No break-ups.
  • Mothers would still love you no matter your conditions or disabilities 

When I talk about mothers, fathers are In no way left out.

They are both the most important people in your life.

These few but convincing points are enough to prove to anyone that mothers and Fathers should be loved above every other person. 

I rest my case!😆


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